From this page the PhD students can be informed about the Educational Offer of the PhD in Crop Science, read the instructions to fill in the ITP (Individual Training Plan) and download the form of the ITP. Please take a look at the links at the end of this page.
Individual training plan
Requirements of the individual training plan
For each PhD student, the individual training plan is established together with the supervisor. The training plan usually includes the courses as described below, to be chosen among the activities included in the training offer (see the list below).
ECTS value is equivalent to 25 hours of training which is the sum of 4 to 8 hours of lectures – depending on the complexity of the course – and of the remaining hours for personal study.
Courses are usually attended during the first year. In case this is not possible, they could be attended in the following years.
Upon approval of their supervisors, PhD students can ask to replace some courses with equivalent ones organized by other PhD programs, even abroad. The replacements must be based on a reasoned justification.
For Crop Science it is mandatory to attend:
Courses specific for Crop Science
- 5 courses, already marked, for a total of 4 ECTS
Cross-disciplinary and Soft skills activities:
- 8 courses for a total of 15 ECTS (7.5 ECTS are already allocated)
Aims of the individual training plan
The training activity is meant to let PhD students acquire the competences needed to carry out research in a specific scientific field. In this context, both specific and cross-disciplinary competences must be defined. PhD students, together with their supervisors, identify the competences to be acquired, considering the specific object of their research.
Training Offer
Attend scheduled courses and assessments
- Definition of Course
Teaching activity of at least 1 ECTS (lectures of 4 to 8 hours) including: 1. A final assessment; 2. Compulsory attendance of at least 70% of the lecture; 3. Evaluation of the lecture by the PhD student.
A complete list of available courses can be found below.
- Definition of Seminar
Teaching activity, the total duration of which is less than 4 hours. Seminars are taught by qualified staff on highly specialized or cross-cutting themes.
Please visit this webpage frequently in order to be up to date about current agenda.
Type of Training offer
- Compulsory course. To complete their training, PhD students must attend those courses indicated as “compulsory”.
- Specialized course. To complete their training, PhD students can attend specialized courses.
- Soft skills course. To complete their training, PhD students must attend the suggested number of soft skills courses.
- Seminars. To complete their training, PhD students must attend at least four seminars (1 ECTS).
- Group activities. To complete their training PhD students can take part in group activities.
- Winter/Summer Schools To complete their training PhD students must attend Winter/Summer Schools.
- Other training activities. PhD students can take part in other training activities to complete their compulsory training (e.g. courses organized by other PhD programmes at UNIPD or in other Universities, even abroad, Master course lectures, courses organized by qualified sector associations, etc.)
- Conferences. To complete their compulsory training PhD students can attend conferences.
Training offer (instructions)
Training offer (instructions)
On the basis of the above definitions, the student, together with the supervisor, must mark by an X the courses that she/he would like to attend, considering that the minimal requirement is at least 15 ECTS. Specifically, the student must select 8 courses among the list below. Three compulsory courses are already marked within Cross-disciplinary and Soft skills courses and the PhD student has to select five courses among all the ELIGIBLE ones (not marked). Three out of these five courses must be selected among the Soft skills: research organization and communication.
Additional courses listed under Other activities could be selected, but do not contribute to satisfy the minimal requirements (the ECTS reported are referred to other PhD Courses).
Beside the minimal requirements, the PhD students of Crop Science have five (5) additional compulsory courses already marked (see Courses specific for Crop Science).
In addition, the PhD student must attend at least 4 seminars which will account for 1 ECTS. The list of seminars must be reported in the periodic reports due at the end of each year.
Any changes in your educational program should be communicated and approved by the Council of the course.