by Prof. Masaru Tanokura (University of TOKYO, Research Centre for Food Safety and Department of Applied Biological Chemistry)
On Friday 24th, 2019, at the room 13 of Ca’ Gialla, Prof. Masaru Tanokura (University of TOKYO, Research Centre for Food Safety and Department of Applied Biological Chemistry) will give a seminar titled “Principles and applications of structural biology approaches in biotechnology and food technology“.
The seminar will split into two parts (see announcement attached):
Part I– “Basics and principles of structural biology”, 9:30 – 10:45
Part II – “Structural biology of plant hormones and NMR metabolomics of foods”, 11:00 – 12:30
PhD and all those that are interested are invited.
For further information visit this site www.sciproveg.com or contact Prof. Benedetto Ruperti (benedetto.ruperti@unipd.it).