Evaluation of the PhD candidates (interview) of the 40th cycle

We publish the PDF file with evaluation of the interview of the PhD candidate of the 40th cycle only for candidates with a score higher than 42 (minimum threshold).
Calls and job offers that are interesting for the PhD students
We publish the PDF file with evaluation of the interview of the PhD candidate of the 40th cycle only for candidates with a score higher than 42 (minimum threshold).
We publish the PDF file (in italian) with evaluation of titles of the PhD candidate of the 40th cycle. Please note that, candidates are shown with their ID (each candidate should know her/his ID).
The Fondazione “Ing. Aldo Gini” supports those who plan to pursue a period of study and/or specialization in a department of the University of Padova in the scientific fields of Agriculture, Engineering or Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences.
Deadline: September 15, 2023
We publish the PDF file with evaluation of titles of the PhD candidate of the 38th cycle. Please note that, only candidates with scores higher than 28 are present in the file.
We publish the PDF files with evaluation of titles and scores obtained by the PhD candidate of the 35th cycle.
Deadline: May 21, 2019 (13.00 CEST) At the following link you can find the call: https://www.unipd.it/en/research/doctoral-degrees-phd-programmes/phd-programmes-calls-and-admissions The templates of the Curriculum Vitae and the Research project are attached below. Curriculum vitae and Research project must be written IN ENGLISH.
The call for admission to the PhD Courses 2017/18 is open. Further details can be found at the following link along with the instruction for applicants: http://www.unipd.it/en/research/doctoral-degrees-phd-programmes/phd-programmes-calls-and-admissions The deadline is June, 30 2017 (13.00 CEST). The template of both the curriculum vitae Read More …
A funded PhD studentship is available to work within a dynamic research programme investigating the causes and epidemiology of Acute Oak Decline (AOD), a disease syndrome affecting Britain’s most iconic native broadleaved tree. This fascinating but complex disease involves interactions between the host tree, Read More …
A PhD Scholarship is now available in the School of Biological Sciences, University of Auckland, New Zealand. This scholarship will cover tuition fees and provide a stipend for 3 years from a University of Auckland–Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) jointly funded Read More …
The ECRF will be a key member of the Plant Health research group, a team of researchers with a primary focus on fungal and plant diversity relevant to plant health including the development of molecular identification tools, based on Kew’s Read More …