“Advances in Agricultural Sciences: PhD Research Opportunities and Training” workshop

We had an amazing time at the “Advances in Agricultural Sciences: PhD Research Opportunities and Training” workshop!
Seminars and courses for the PhD students
We had an amazing time at the “Advances in Agricultural Sciences: PhD Research Opportunities and Training” workshop!
On the 16th of June 2023, in the AULA MULTIMEDIALE of Stecca 2 (first floor, former “Aula Bandiere”) at 11:00 a.m., Dr. Angelo Loi will hold a seminar titled “Inspiring practice change in pasture/crop systems”.
The event focuses on “Communicating research” and challenges UNIPhD Fellows to share their project ideas with colleagues from other disciplines and to exchange perspectives and methodologies across fields of knowledge other than their own.
On October 22nd, 2022, at the Room “Aula Filanda 1” of Corte Benedettina at 12.00pm, Jeremy Thompson (Lead Manager of MPI, Auckland, NZ) will give a seminar titled: “Unraveling RNA’s secrets:
a virus perspective“.
On Friday 22nd, at 11am, Room 16, Pentagono building (Agripolis – Legnaro, Padova) and on Zoom at the following link: https://unipd.zoom.us/j/81436322266 Titles of the seminars: “Whole genome sequencing of primary endosymbionts of Cacopsylla spp.” by Hannes Schuler (UniBz) “Wolbachia dynamics in Read More …
We publish in attachment (see the PDF below) the programme of the seminars given by the students of the 34th cycle.
The Winter School will be held at the Campus of Agripolis on 28-29th January and 2nd February 2021. You can download the programme here.
On Wednesday July 29th, 2020 at 17:00 Dr. Nicola Bodino will give a seminar on the topic “Vectors of Xylella fastidiosa in Europe: biology and ecology from ad epidemiological point of view”.
On Wednesday July 22nd, 2020 at 17:00 Dr. Daniele Sommaggio will give a seminar on the topic “Functional biodiversity in the vineyard: an Italian case study”.
On Wednesday July 15th, 2020 at 15:30 Dr. Arturo Cocco will give a seminar on the topic “Sustainable control of Planococcus ficus in Sardinia”.